Guru G

Bringing light to darkness

OSHO sannyasin Sexologist ( abuse / trauma) Love & relationship councilor Tantra body worker 

20 years plus Guru G has been following all the different aspects to the path of enlightenment local and international. He has taken all aspects of spirituality to form his own unique way of healing. A strong believer in vibrational energies and truth aswell as finding the balance within modern society we find ourselves in today. Going within oneself first is a journey less traveled but high on Guru G path to enlightenment, bliss, samadhi

He is a man who worships the Goddess and has so much respect for women. His teachings all come from a purity he carries within his Soul and all his intentions are of the light. His healing abilities are proven throughout the world when it comes to working with trauma and abuse in women and as well as in men. He is a Master of his kind and believes the only thing that will save this world is PURE LOVE

One of his favorite teachings is – No matter what the question the answer is always love