The Soul’s Home is the Simple Heart Retreat with Robyn Sheldon

October 26 - 29, 2023

  • Catered Camping – R 3,200.00
  • Farmhouse Restio – R 4,550.00
  • Cloister Inner – R 4,550.00
  • Cloister Outer – R 4,550.00
  • Courtyard Single Occupancy – R 6,500.00
  • Farmhouse Single Occupancy – R 6,650.00
  • Garden Room Single Occupancy – R 7,100.00
  • Courtyard Shared Double Occupancy – R 10,450.00
  • Farmhouse Double Occupancy – R 10,450.00
  • Garden Room Double Occupancy – R 11,350.00

The Soul’s Home is the Simple Heart.

Join Robyn Sheldon for an immersion into Soulfulness at this 3 day retreat. The practice is a simple one of dropping into the felt sense of the heart and the body. Like most simple things, when we drop our attachment to the controlling mind, the outcome is ‘mind-blowing’. Soul is nurtured when our heart is simple and yet soul is the vehicle of the Great Mystery, it weaves languages of imagination, body and breath from a simple heart into a life fully-lived in all its imperfection. Soulfulness then becomes the Dance within the Stillness that knows that it is God.

What we can expect: Four days, from Thursday evening to Sunday midday to explore what it is to be soulful. Soulfulness is profound and transformative work for personal and planetary growth, healing, and clarity of purpose.

Meditation is employed to calm the mind and promote relaxation. We focus on the breath, the life force and the sensations in the body to tap into a sense of peace and clarity of thought. This is a nurturing practice for developing lightness of heart. The quieter we become, the more raptly we listen, the greater our access to the soul self. Diving into listening without judgment is a powerful way to slow down and connect to our inner wisdom.

Meditation supports us to explore our energetic matrix, connect to our soul selves and begin to break free from limiting beliefs and negative patterns of behavior.

 There will be periods each day where we use dance as embodied creative expression to support emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration. There will also be time spent alone in nature to slow down and connect with the ancient wisdom and pulse of the earth. We will explore soul stuff in groups and in pairs and evenings will be devoted to fireside chats at the hearth in the dining room or weather permitting, fireside chats under the stars.


o   All meals

o   Your choice of accommodation

o   Meditation

o   Dance

o   Soul exploration in groups and pairs

o   Fireside chats

o   Alone time in nature and nature walks

About Robyn Sheldon

“It is true that humans are unbearably, unbelievably precious. When we drop beneath our stressed-out, constricted perceptions by tuning into the wise, patient rhythm of the earth, we develop the ability to be guided by our own inner wisdom and are changed on a profound level.”

Robyn has over 30 years professional experience in holding space for clients as they follow the guidance of their own inner wisdom towards wholeness and health.

She is a meditation teacher, an artist, a soul integration therapist, and an author of 2 published books. She loves to share her experience of the natural world as a vast healing sanctuary with others.

Robyn offers different pathways for soul exploration. The Soul Integration Intensives are the most in-depth and transformative offerings. Guided by the Soul Self they reveal the unhealed patterns that distort our blueprints. This is a deeply meditative process, like psychological surgery with your own soul self as the most precise surgeon. Your soul self knows exactly which issues you are ready to clear and which masks still serve you well on your life journey.

She invites anyone who has a yearning to weave the physical and soulful worlds into a life fully lived on earth to join her in this exploration.


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